Fly Porsche 917 LH
24hr Le Mans 1971
The ManicSlot Mini Review
- The 917 LH is a popular slot that has a limited collectible status
- Average 'from the box' magnetic performer, (will more than likely require some TLC)
- Striking Gulf livery and classic Le Mans runner
- Very high level of detail
- Excellent paint and decal job, It's hard to beat a Gulf livery
- Once setup correctly, is a fantastic non magnetic runner
- The 917 LH (along with most of the Fly classic range) will require some modification and after-market parts if you are to get the most from it
- The 917 LH has some scale and model accuracy issues which are a problem for some slotters
Personally I love the Fly classic range and the Porsche 917 LH is no exception, this is a beautiful looking slot car on the track. Once setup correctly this is one of the fastest non-mag performers on my Carrera plastic track.
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