Just released by Scalextric is the wicked looking Polyphony Digital Ford GT racing number 4. If you're a Gran Turismo fan (the racing series has sold more the 50 million copies Worldwide) you'll be aware of two things. One, that this particular Ford GT #4 is featured in the opening movie from Gran Turismo 4 (2005) and that Gran Turismo 5 is due for release prior to Christmas.
You can see the Scalextric Ford GT #4 in the below opening movie from Gran Turismo 4 opening movie, just FANTASTIC!
The Scalextric Model is a high build-quality specification with equal high performance straight out of the box and superior livery paintwork. The model Features;
- High detail. Working lights fitted front and rear
- Magnatraction and quick change braid plate
- Digital ready chassis
- Wide rear axle gives excellent road-holding attributes which will make this car a must for the racer
- Motor: Mabuchi SP; 18k rpm
- Gear ratio: 11:36
- Chassis: Rear Mounted Side-winder Motor; Rear 2 wheel drive
- Magnet: Rectangular 2.5 mm
- Downforce: 300 gm
- Overall length: 145 mm
- Wheelbase: 84 mm
- Axle/Hub: width58 mm Front; 62 mm Rear
- Tyre diameter/width: 21(ext), 15(int) x 9 mm Front; 21(ext), 15(int) x 11 mm Rear
- Weight: Car 85 gm; Case 156 gm
I think Scalextric have hit a home run with this release, it's bound to be very popular with slotters and fans of the Gran Turismo series alike. The wheels are a perfect match for the GT4 game car as are the decals and body work. There is a stunning looking all black Ford GT in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue so here's hoping Scalextric have that one on the radar for release.
You can read more on the Scalextric Website Here

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